Why is Beta Glucan zdravKO an excellent choice for boosting immunity in children?
Beta Glucan zdravKO, besides containing highly purified Beta Glucan, also includes eight B-group vitamins, vitamins C, E, and D3, and zinc which synergistically contribute to normal cognitive and psychological functions and mental performance, crucial for school-age and preschool children. They support the normal functioning of the nervous system and protect cells from free radicals and oxidative stress, which can lead to various health issues and disorders.
Why is high purity important for beta glucan?
Purification, which involves removing manoproteins and lipids from the yeast cell wall during the production process, is imperative to achieve increased bioavailability. It is considered that minimal requirements for adequate effectiveness of beta-1,3-glucan application include purity levels and extraction and purification up to a minimum of 70-85% beta glucan.
In general, beta-glucans enhance the body’s first line of defense. Their main biological immunomodulatory action is based on stimulating the activity of innate immunity factors: neutrophils and NK cells (natural killer cells), especially macrophages. This enables them to act faster in identifying and destroying harmful pathogens to which we are exposed daily.