Arbocel: A Plant-Based Compound that Replaces Lactose

If you’ve ever read “arbocel” on the label of dietary supplements or medications, you might have wondered what it is. Here’s everything you need to know about this functional filler.

Hug Your Lifeautor

If you’ve ever read “arbocel” on the label of dietary supplements or medications, you might have wondered what it is. Arbocel is a powdered form of cellulose that is commonly used as a functional, plant-based filler. This cellulose is primarily utilized in the manufacturing of medications and dietary supplements. It facilitates their production and serves as a substitute for lactose. Arbocel in powder form does not have specific chemical values. The human body does not metabolize it, and since it is not digested, it has no caloric value. In the production of medications and dietary supplements, it is used as a lactose replacement, which benefits those who are lactose intolerant. Its use is becoming increasingly common due to its positive attributes—low caloric and chemical values and the absence of negative effects on the body. There are several different types of arbocel, ranging from granular to fibrous forms. They all share a common trait: they absorb low percentages of moisture, ensuring good stability and a sufficiently long shelf life.

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What Types Are Available?

There are three different types of arbocel, each used depending on the intended application:

  • Arbocel M 80 (powder) – A fine fibrous compound suitable for wet formulations
  • Arbocel P 290 (powder) – A fine compound with increased density and improved flow, appropriate for wet formulations and direct compression
  • Arbocel A 300 (granules) – A coarser texture typically used for capsule filling

When to Use Arbocel?

The granular type A 300 is used when excellent flow of materials is required, while the fibrous and powdered types M 80 and P 290 offer better binding properties and are recommended as alternatives or additives to other fillers. All types share the common feature of absorbing low levels of moisture. Ruka u kojoj se nalazi kapsula Arbocel is used in cases where a few milligrams of powder need to be added to a capsule to facilitate its filling and production. It is important to emphasize that it is 100% plant-based, which is particularly significant in the production of dietary supplements and medications suitable for vegans and vegetarians, as some fillers on the market are of animal origin. Additionally, it does not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), impurities, or organic solvents. Therefore, the next time you reach for dietary supplements and see it listed in the ingredients, rest assured that it is a filler used to facilitate production. It is a completely safe ingredient with no impact on health and, as mentioned, is entirely plant-based, making it suitable for both vegans and vegetarians.

Foto: Canva

Hug Your Lifeautor

Hug Your Life dietary supplements are Croatian products, and they are high-quality standardized natural dietary supplements with innovative formulas created in harmony with nature and your body. They are produced with great care and love for health and a healthy lifestyle.

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